You may not believe it, but you have the power to create a reality that you’ve always wanted. Forming intentions can take you to places you thought you’d never go, and live a life that may have felt out of reach. The possibilities really are endless.
Create A Ritual
When I was at the lowest time of my life, I realized that if I was going to get out of this dark night of my soul, I needed to create a ritual of intention. I wanted a different life then where I was at. I would set aside a time each day to meditate. I would set my intentions while I meditated.
Your ritual needs to be personal and incorporate into the things you love to do. You could make a list daily if you love to write lists. Whatever it is, make sure that your ritual does not feel like a chore.

Be Specific
When you write down your intentions, try and be as specific as possible. I like to think the Universe has an ornery sense of humor. It loves to give you what you ask for. List the details of the experiences you are wanting to manifest. But, make sure to be specific! My daughter asked for a new kitchen floor. She got a new floor, but the way she got it was not how she wanted to get a new floor-the pipes in her home froze, then ended up bursting open, causing a flood in her kitchen. Her husband and her had to rip the floors out, thus, allowing her to get a new floor, but at the expense of having to replace her pipes! Ask in detail and make sure you add the important detail of your intention to come in a positive way.
NOTE: I have manifestation journal I use regularly that you can find here!
Think Big
Release your fear blocks and act like the world is your oyster! Come from a place of unlimited abundance. Ask for things that might seem impossible to have/do, but would be amazing if they actually happened.

Act Like You Already Have It
The Universe responds to your feelings just as much as your thoughts. When you act like you already have what you wish to manifest, then you actually begin your creation process.
Feel abundance. Feel loved. Feel inspired.
Let It Go
This is the hardest part for sure! I still have a hard time of releasing my intentions sometimes. Learn to let go of your intentions and allow them to create without you. When you let go, you get out of your own way.
Have you created anything lately? Let me know in the comments!