The definition of vibes in the dictionary is: “the emotional signals a person gives out to those around them with their body language and social interactions.”
Everything is energy. That’s a very abstract statement, I know. When you’re really feeling stuck or challenged in life, the idea of “changing your vibe” can seem impossible and out of reach.
But it can actually be really easy to change the energy around you and create an amazing platform for the money, love, health, creativity, or peace that you desire.
Here are 7 tips to find your happy vibe:
1. Indulge yourself.
There’s nothing wrong if every once in a while you do things you really like. Go on a vacation. Buy that mobile phone you always wanted or that dress that you absolutely adore! Remember, we are born to live and not just to work.
2. Deep clean.
If you are feeling heavy, it reflects your home. Where there’s dirt and dust, there’s stagnation. Stagnation is what happens when energy flow gets blocked. Cleaning restores optimal flow and balance to your life.
3. Distance yourself from negative people.
Don’t read posts of your friends on Facebook that are negative. Counteract the negative by posts positive posts.
4. Banish bad memories.
Get rid of photos associated with painful times. Same goes with outfits and furniture that you have no use for. Gift them to friends and family or donate them. You shouldn’t live with anything that doesn’t spark joy when touched.
5. Put up some art.
If a piece of art moves your spirit, it should go on a wall. It’s all about feeling connected to your space, so anything visual that resonates with you is a perfect addition.
Hang colorful prints like this gorgeous canvas print from My Happy Vibes.
You can wear some art too. I snagged this My Happy Vibes hoodie that I’ll be showing off to my happy friends tonight.
6. Turn on music.
Just play music in the background of your home during a typical day. Music has therapeutic qualities and has been shown to increase self-esteem and foster healthy relationships.
7. Get creative.
Make something. Art can help you to heal and change your life. It doesn’t have to be good. Just have fun with it!
Have a happy vibe weekend!
xoxo Tess