New moons are a wonderful time to detox, set intentions, or even start a new journey. —and there’s one coming on March 13. And look out, this particular new moon might feel like an especially emotional one!
Why will this new moon be so emotional?
We can thank Pisces (as a Pisces, I have been feeling extra emotional already this season) for the flooding of emotions bound to come up around this new moon.
Not only is the sun in Pisces, until March 20, but Venus and Neptune will also be in Pisces on the 13th. After that, Mercury enters Pisces after it makes it’s way through Aquarius. That’s a whole lot of potential unfounded crying!
Pisces also rules the subconscious, so this new moon in particular, will invite us to look within ourselves. Pisces is also strongly connected to the collective unconscious, so we may feel especially intuitive come this weekend.
And if you’re a Pisces , particularly in Venus or Neptune, you may feel the effects of this moon even more.
Me: Raising hand….
How to use these extreme emotions for good.
Two big quests for this new moon are healing and inspiration. Ask yourself, What you want to take advantage of during this season? A new project? Change in your life? Where can healing begin for you?
Try doing things such as setting intentions and creating affirmations and work on what you want to manifest.
Many will create a new moon circle with friends and focus on what the Pisces season brings to them, such as intuition and creativity.
You won’t be able to see this new moon, but you surely will feel it’s effects. Embrace it and let it’s energies fuel you and prepare you for your next new beginning-emotions and all.